Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can one opt out of the eschaton?

So, if humanity is in fact heading toward the singularity, or the Omega Point, or whatever term one wishes to use for the apparently impending emergence of a post-human or technological interconnectedness, can one choose to opt out?  Or must we all go along for the ride.  In a related idle speculation, do individual neurons ever wish that their neighbors would just leave them alone for a while?
I like the idea of Vinge's singularity, of McKenna's time wave zero, of all of the various takes on where we might be going. I enjoy connectivity, and the exchange of information, but I wonder what the fallout will be from such an event.  How much individuality must be sacrificed to become a part of the whole?  I can readily think of a number of myths, both ancient and modern that address what happens when one of the nodes wants to leave the network.  It never seems to end well for one party or the other.