Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The big question

I imagine that many people's "Big Question" that they want to know the answer to may be "Is there a God?" or maybe "What is the meaning of life?" Not mine.  My Big Question is whether the universe is deterministic or non-deterministic.  I've read numerous works that fall on either side of the issue, and had many great discussions about it.  Some people seem to have views on the topic that border on the dogmatic. I don't know, and I must accept the premise that I will almost certainly never know the answer in my lifetime. Of course I like the idea that I have freedom of choice in my thoughts and actions, but I must also accept the possibility that at 10^-32 seconds after the instantiation of this universe that it was determined that I would be here at this moment typing these words.  And these too.  Damn.

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